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A Look Back on 2023

A Year of Flexibility and Growth

It’s hard to believe I’m ready to write another “year in review” post. There’s nothing quite like little children to help visualize just how quickly time passes. Another rollercoaster year of twists and turns has made “flexibility” my word of the year. 

I’m a planner by nature, through and through, but 2023 challenged me to stretch my boundaries and work on becoming more flexible at the drop of a hat. I’ll openly admit that adapting on the fly isn’t my forte, but I think I’m starting to become a pro at it. Sometimes I’m able to “plan” for flexibility by working it into my schedule to accommodate clients or my family, but oftentimes I had to shift gears on the go. I’m proud of the progress made in this area, but I will continue to exercise my “go with the flow” muscle into the new year. 

2023 Highlights 

  • My husband and I purchased a commercial space in downtown Delphos, Ohio. It was originally a dentist office, so we’ve been putting in A LOT of work behind the scenes this year to make it a permanent office location. While there is still work to be done, we’re so happy to have this gem of a location in Delphos and continue to each grow our businesses here. 
  • I began releasing “Coffee with Counsel” videos on social media this year, and the responses have been very positive and encouraging. The consistency waned a little, while we worked on moving offices and life ramped up a bit, but I am excited to continue these in 2024. Thank you to each of you that support me on social media platforms and in real life. I appreciate you more than I can say! 
  • Community involvement means a lot to me. It’s one of the main value pillars for Amanda Waltz Law, to serve the community. In 2023, I was able to serve on the Delphos Chamber of Commerce Board, the Ottawa Valley Center board, to participate in the Downtown Delphos Business Block Party, and I got to know many more local business owners. I’m very excited to continue to grow these new relationships.

A Few Lessons Learned

  • Saying “no” is harder than it seems. I could write a whole post just on this topic alone. The guilt of having to tell someone I can’t help or don’t have time carries a weight with it. At the end of last year, I made the declaration that I wanted to be more intentional with my “yes”. And I have. I’ve said “no” this year.

    Any project, activity, volunteering, etc. that I was asked to do, I did my best to take time to reflect on how it would serve me joy, serve my family, or serve my business and clients. Alternatively, I would weigh what it would cost me in terms of my time with my family or my clients. I didn’t say “no” to all of the things but I did say “no” to a few things. Not because they weren’t good causes or because they didn’t need volunteers, but because being burnt out on saying “yes” doesn’t serve the people I love or the business I love.

    It is difficult at times to maintain those boundaries. But, I will continue to evaluate every ask and prioritize my family and my business. I can’t please everyone. 
  • Another lesson I’ve learned this year is that work-life balance is a myth. I reject the concept. In my opinion, balance implies some kind of equal relationship between work and life and I am always teetering between the two to keep them in balance. I have too many external factors that impact both my work and my personal life to keep the two balanced. It has felt daunting.

    So, instead of balance, I’ve learned give and take. Sometimes my life needs more of my attention and work gets a little less, and other times work needs more attention and life gets a little less. It comes back to my word of the year, flexibility. Things are fluid and volatile, and if I remain flexible, I believe I can find peace and satisfaction in both. 

Pride in Purpose

What makes me most proud of my business is the ability to help people put an estate plan in place that is best for them and their family. I strive to give them the information they need to make a decision that best suits their lifestyle. The number of clients I was able to serve this year exceeded my expectations. I am so grateful for each client trusting me with such an important and personal journey. 

Now, what has made me the most proud as a mom this year, is learning about Pokemon. Somewhere I heard that the best way to connect with your children is to learn about what they’re interested in. And that’s where we are. I can’t say I have a passion for Pokemon myself, but the boys love it right now! 

Some of My Favorite Memories from 2023 

  • Visiting the Lion Habitat Ranch in Las Vegas when we went out with the boys on a quick trip to see family. 
  • Watching the boys’ faces light up as they watched the Bellagio Water Show. 
  • Girls weekend in Fort Worth, Texas to celebrate an amazing friend and getting to make new friends while I was there.  
  • Helping my Great Uncle Mark may carnemadigga with my brother. 
  • Officially moving into my new office space.
  • Participating in the Downtown Business Block Party in front of the Chamber Office. 
  • Adding the cutest four legged child to our family. 
  • Showing the kids Ohio Stadium. 

The Most Inspiring Book I Read This Year:

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Habits are important. This book dives deep into the impact that habits have on individuals, organizations, and societies. He explores the science behind habits, dissecting their formation, cues, routines, and rewards. I recommend this book often!

I need to get back to some of my basic routines in 2024 so that I can feel grounded and have a sense of control with my schedule. Especially on days when things go awry and I need to be flexible. 

Final Thoughts

One thing that got unintentionally put on the back burner this past year was starting a new podcast. Time needed to be spent in other areas throughout the year and it just didn’t happen. But, I’d like to add it back to my 2024 list and see if we can get it off the ground!

It may have felt like survival mode most of the year, but as we close this chapter on 2023, I’ll carry with me many cherished memories, the lessons I’m still learning, and a heart full of gratitude in the New Year. 

Wishing you all a safe and healthy New Year! 

Cheers to 2024!

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