Wow! It’s honestly hard to believe we’re in the middle of another summer that’s flying by. I can hardly keep up with the pace that our calendar fills up! But it’s true, you only get so many summers, right? From the latest progress on our new office space to welcoming a new member to our family, and all the escapades of my four kids, there’s a lot to catch up on.
If we haven’t met yet, welcome. I’m Amanda Waltz, a practicing attorney in Delphos, Ohio, and a mom to four young kids. Here on my blog, (and also over on Instagram and Facebook) I share tips for families and businesses to educate and help them understand the estate planning and probate processes. I’m also a big advocate for community events and involvement. Today I’m sharing a little bit of business and personal updates from our summer, and I’d like to say thank you for being here.
Life these days is like constantly flooring the gas and slamming the brake pedals. It’s a whirlwind of milestones both in business and our young family, and I don’t want to miss a single one. So here’s a little peek for you into what’s been happening this summer.
In This Post
First Thing First, Our New Office Space!
I am so excited to share that my husband and I finally purchased our own office space in downtown Delphos. This has been a long time coming. While I’ve loved my office mates in shared spaces so far, and I’ll be sad to leave them soon, Caleb and I have been wanting to get our own building for a while. Just as much for him and his work as I need for my business.
It was important to us that it be as close to the downtown area as possible. Once we move in, you’ll be able to find me at 150 W 2nd Street. We’ll be sharing an entryway with Hometown Pediatrics. That’s right around the corner from The Creamery and just a short walk to get to Haehn’s Simply Brewed Coffee Shop!
Another aspect I’m especially excited about with this new location is that I can participate in the monthly Delphos Block Parties! And many other community events. I’ll be a little off the Main Street path, but I’m eager to be there and get to meet more Delphos community neighbors.
The office is currently under construction as we make it fit our needs and bring some much-needed updates to the space. My husband has big plans for tricking out the new conference room, so it’ll be especially useful on those Ohio State game days 😉 You know, priorities!
We’ve been dreaming up all the ways to utilize the extra offices once it’s ready. Some things we’re considering are renting out extra offices, making them available for day-to-day rentals, creating a coworking space, or simply having a dedicated spot for our kids to hang out and do their homework. If you have any fun ideas, let me know!
Also, can we just take a moment of silence for the infamous white duck, who we named Bessie. When we bought the building, she was nested in our flower bed. She was struggling to successfully hatch her eggs. We later learned there was a tragic accident and she’s no longer with us. Rest in peace, Bessie.
And an extra special kudos shoutout to my husband for all his hard work he’s been putting in on the construction. I help as often and as much as I can, but he’s the real MVP.

Our Newest Family Member
The stars aligned, and this perfectly sweet puppy was welcomed into our family in June!! I say “perfectly sweet”, not “perfect”, because welcoming another baby to the family who needs potty-trained and lots of care and attention has been no easy feat, but the way she curls up on our lap is absolutely worth it!
We have been called crazy for adding a dog to our family, but you must know, Caleb and I have always been dog people. In the early years of our relationship, we each had a dog and we used to foster dogs often when it was just the two of us living in Columbus together. Our college companions have since passed on to doggie heaven, shout out to Boss & Italia <3, and now that we’re done having children, it was time to add one last member to the Waltz Wildlings crew.
Her name is Pepper, a Catahoula Leopard who is almost 7 months old as I write this. We had been searching for a potential fur babe to adopt for a while. We wanted a dog that was 30-40 pounds, at least 1 year old, and potty trained. Pepper ticked none of those boxes. However, when she popped up on the Van Wert County Humane Society’s website, I sent the picture to Caleb and we jumped on the opportunity to go meet her. Caleb and the kids got there a little ahead of me, and by the time I met up with them, Pepper had laid her head on little Mildred’s lap, and we knew we weren’t going home without her.
She has since fallen in love with and become especially attached to the kids. At one point, we had let her outside to go potty before we were heading out. She sniffed around the yard and garage until she jumped in the open door of the suburban and curled up next to the kids who were all loaded up and ready to go. It made my heart melt! They each love playing tug-of-war with her and are learning the lessons of how puppies play. Pepper will even instigate and try to get one of the kids to tug with her. Even Mildred, who was not a fan of being knocked over by this new animal, is coming around to Pepper and starting to play with her more. They all absolutely adore each other. The bond they share already is precious.

School is Starting Soon!
This year, my three oldest will be entering 1st grade, Kindergarten, and Preschool. How do I have one who can read already?! We’ll soon be shopping for school supplies and uniforms before they join their new classrooms in late August.
The Delphos St. John’s PTO is having its first meeting coming up in early August as well. Each parent that has a child attending a Delphos St. John’s school is a member of the PTO and encouraged to become involved. The PTO is a great resource for helping out our community schools. There are many other ways you can help provide a great experience for the kids. You can volunteer your time at a variety of events or purchase school supplies to help students in need.
I highly recommend you follow Delphos St. John’s PTO page on Facebook. They do a wonderful job at sharing updates, events, and opportunities, and answering any questions you may have through Messenger.

Summer Fun
We certainly don’t want to wish the rest of the summer away with all this talk about school. It’s still in full swing and there is much more mischief and adventure for the kids to find.
So far, our summer has consisted of a lot of whiffle ball games in the backyard, our Thursday routine with the Delphos Run Club, some tent camping, lots of swimming, more playground visits, T-ball and Tincaps games, many creative craft sessions, the Downtown Delphos Farmer’s Market, and hanging out with family. We even got to enjoy time with some long-distance family when we flew out to Las Vegas to visit my brother-in-law and his crew.

As we live it up the rest of summer, I’ll admit that I am looking forward to football season, the fair, and of course, getting moved into my new office space. I hope your summer is a great one, and you’re taking the time to soak it all in this year.