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Why You Need a Last Will and Testament

Why You Need a Last Will and Testament: Safeguarding Your Legacy and Loved Ones

While it’s a topic that many would rather avoid, planning for what happens after we’re gone is a crucial responsibility we all share. A last will and testament is a powerful legal document that ensures your wishes are upheld, your assets are distributed as you desire, and your loved ones are taken care of when you’re no longer around. 

With a sincere dedication to helping families secure their legacies, I am Amanda Waltz, a probate attorney serving the Northwest, Ohio community. It’s my privilege to guide you through the intricate terrain of estate planning and administration, ensuring your family’s future is secure and well-cared for.

In the following post, we’ll talk about why you need a last will and testament, its essential elements, how to secure its validity, and the assurance it offers to both you and your loved ones.

In This Post:

The Importance of a Last Will and Testament

  1. Protecting Your Loved Ones: One of the most compelling reasons to create a last will and testament is to protect your loved ones. Without a will, you are deemed to have died “intestate.” This means that the state law will dictate how your assets are distributed, which may not reflect your wishes. (See more of the Ohio Revised Code Section 2105.06: Statute of descent and distribution). The process can become more complicated and time-consuming, causing additional stress for your grieving family. By having a legally binding document, you ensure that your family is taken care of.
  2. Choosing Your Beneficiaries: Your will allows you to specify who receives what from your estate. You can leave specific assets, cash, property, or sentimental items to individuals or organizations that matter most to you. Whether it’s your children, grandchildren, a favorite charity, or a close friend, your will is a testament to your love and generosity.

    Your will also allows you to specify anyone you would like to prevent from being a beneficiary. If there is anyone in your life you would like to be sure does not receive an inheritance from you, you can stipulate this in your will. 
  1. Appointing Guardians for Minor Children: If you have children under the age of 18, your will is the place to name guardians who will take care of them in the event of your untimely passing. This decision can provide peace of mind knowing that your children will be in good hands and raised according to your values.
  2. Preserving Family Harmony: Not having a will in place often leads to disputes and conflicts among family members who have different ideas about how the estate should be divided. A well-crafted will can prevent these arguments, preserving family relationships during a challenging time.
  1. Minimizing Fees: A well-structured will can also help minimize financial obligations for your heirs. By consulting with an attorney, you can develop a plan that ensures the maximum amount of your estate goes to your beneficiaries rather than to the government or institutions.
  1. Ease and Efficiency of Administration: A last will and testament simplifies the probate process. It clearly outlines your wishes and provides a roadmap for the executor of your estate (see the checklist for your executor here or the definition of an executor of an estate here). This legal document expedites the settlement of your affairs, ensuring that your assets are distributed efficiently and as you intended.
  1. Safeguarding Personal Assets: Your will allows you to account for all of your assets, from your financial accounts and real estate to family heirlooms and even your beloved pets. By listing everything in your will, you can be confident that nothing will be overlooked or lost.
  1. Advanced Healthcare Directives: A comprehensive estate planning package often includes advanced healthcare directives, which allow you to designate a healthcare proxy or make end-of-life decisions. This separate legal document ensures your medical wishes are respected, sparing your loved ones from making difficult choices during an emotional time.

What to Include in Your Last Will and Testament

  1. Executor Selection: Your will should specify who will be responsible for managing your estate and ensuring your wishes are carried out. This person, known as the executor, should be someone you trust and who is willing to fulfill this important role.
  1. Asset Distribution: Clearly outline how your assets should be divided among your beneficiaries. Be as specific as possible, including descriptions of the assets and to whom they should go.
  1. Guardianship for Minor Children: If you have young children, name a guardian in your will to ensure their proper care and upbringing.
  1. Debts and Taxes: Address how your outstanding debts, loans, and taxes should be settled from your estate. This prevents your beneficiaries from being burdened with these financial obligations.
  1. Contingency Plans: Life is unpredictable, so it’s wise to include contingency plans in your will. This can cover situations where a beneficiary predeceases you or is unable to inherit the assets, ensuring your assets are distributed in line with your intentions.

Ensure that Your Last Will and Testament is Legally Sound

  1. Witnesses: The presence of witnesses is a crucial aspect of creating a valid last will and testament. In most jurisdictions, a will requires the signature of the testator (the person making the will) and the signatures of at least two disinterested witnesses. These witnesses confirm that the testator created the will voluntarily and was of sound mind when doing so. Their signatures serve as a safeguard against potential disputes regarding the will’s authenticity or the testator’s mental capacity at the time of execution.
  1. Putting Your Will on Deposit: Putting your will on deposit typically refers to depositing your will with the probate court in the county in which you live. This practice can offer additional security to your will. While it doesn’t necessarily make your will valid, it helps to ensure that your will is safe and easily accessible upon your passing. It can prevent the loss or destruction of the will, which could complicate the probate process.
  1. Declaring Your Will Valid Before You Die: Declaring the validity of your will while you’re alive can be essential, especially if there might be concerns about its legitimacy or if you anticipate potential disputes among your heirs. Filing a complaint for judgment to declare your will valid provides you with the peace of mind that your will cannot be contested after your death.  The probate court holds a hearing with all interested parties and at the conclusion of the proceedings the probate court will determine if the will is valid subject only to subsequent revocation or modification by you.  

The Role of a Legal Professional

  1. Seeking Legal Counsel: While it’s possible to create a simple will on your own, consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney is highly recommended, especially if you have substantial assets or a complex family situation. They can help you navigate the legal requirements, address any specific concerns, and ensure your will is valid and legally binding.
  1. Updating Your Will: Life is fluid, and circumstances change over time. It’s crucial to regularly review and update your last will and testament to reflect any significant life events, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or the acquisition of new assets.

In contemplating your own mortality, you are not only safeguarding your legacy but also providing your loved ones with the clarity and support they need during a difficult time. A last will and testament is not just a legal document; it’s an act of love and responsibility toward your family and friends.

If you’re ready to take this important step or have questions about the process, I’m here to help. Contact me for a free consultation, and let’s begin the journey of securing your legacy and providing peace of mind for your family. Your future and your family’s well-being are too important to leave to chance.

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